

在过去十年里, 斯科特·巴斯比(Scott Busby)曾担任美国民主事务局副助理国务卿, 联合国人权与劳工组织.S. 国务院, 在那里他曾多次监督局在东亚和太平洋地区的工作, Africa, 西半球, 多边问题, 企业与人权, labor issues, 以及基于人权的制裁.

Previously, Busby served on the National Security Council in the President Clinton and President Obama White Houses; directed the Office of Policy and Resource Planning at the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration in the 国务院; worked as a lawyer and asylum officer with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service; and served as a lawyer at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Washington, D.C.